
Award Winner

IFA Network Services of the Year

Pan Finance Award Winner 2023 International Investor Awards Best IFA International Investor Awards Women in Leadership

Freedom to Control
Your Future

Lawsons Network AG is a plug-in-and-go network service for IFAs with international clients – designed to help you launch, grow, thrive and exit your business.

Dynamic, efficient and trustworthy, we combine extensive industry experience with the regulatory infrastructure, the transformational technology and the support to launch or grow your business – or to step back from it with confidence.

  • Registered FINMA Insurance Intermediary

    Registered FINMA Insurance Intermediary,
    ARIF Member, Affiliated to SO-FIT
  • UAE Partnership

    UAE Partnership
  • US Partnership

    US Partnership
    Registered with SEC
  • EU Partnership

    EU Partnership

Our Services

We offer 3 comprehensive membership packages for international IFAs.

Grow your own IFA brand as an Appointed Representative. Become a Consultant to be your own boss but trade under our established brand. Or use our Exit Strategy Planning service to step back from your IFA business with confidence.

However you engage with us, we give you the control, the freedom and the power to achieve your business goals.

Representative Consultant Exit Strategy Planning

About Lawsons Network
Plug-in-and-go Service

  1. Introduction
  2. Regulation
  3. Opportunity
  4. Experience
  5. Support


Are you being held back by your network’s commission structure or inefficient processes and systems? Maybe you’d like the freedom of being your own boss without the stress and costs normally associated with launching an IFA business? Or perhaps you’re looking to take a step back from your business?

With a fresh, exciting business model, we’re on a mission to become the world’s leading SaaS network.

Encompassing regulatory infrastructure, comprehensive cloud solutions, an industry-leading commission model, a dedicated investment team and access to the best financial solutions, our plug-in-and-go network service gives you a compliant platform from which to launch, run, grow and exit your IFA business – boosting client outcomes with best-practice financial advice.


Registered as an Insurance Intermediary with the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority (FINMA), a member of the Association Romande des Intermédiaires Financiers (ARIF) and affiliated to Organisme de Surveillance pour Intermédiaires Financiers & Trustees (SO-FIT) in Switzerland. Lawsons Network is also proud to have partnerships in the EU, UAE and is affiliated in the USA.


Thanks to our plug-in-and-go network service and transformational technology, we give ambitious IFAs the control, freedom and power to boost client outcomes and achieve your business goals.


With decades in the global wealth management sector, our experienced team understands exactly how to build and run top-performing IFA businesses – and has established relationships with leading product providers.


Streamlined onboarding ensures you’re able to start writing business in record time – while our expert team, dedicated investment committee and exceptional resource hub give you the support to boost client outcomes.

Whether you’re looking to launch, grow or exit your IFA business, our plug-in-and-go service provides first-class support.
Join Lawsons Network

What Makes Us Different?

Transformational cloud-based systems. Industry-leading commission model. Exceptional resource hub. A dedicated investment team.

Ultimately, our fresh network model gives you a compliant platform from which to launch, run, grow and exit your IFA business – boosting client outcomes with best-practice financial advice.

Plug in and go
Lawsons Network AG
What Makes Us Different?

Introducing Our Providers

Discover our extensive network of market-leading product providers.

Whether you’re a Consultant or an Appointed Representative, Lawsons Network membership enables you to leverage the relationships we’ve developed over decades in the global wealth management sector.

To ensure that we continue to meet your needs – and those of your diverse client base – we’re continually expanding our provider list. To find out more about our extensive range of product providers, connect with our expert team.

Get in touch

Join Us

Let’s talk about how our transformational plug-in-and-go network service
will give you the freedom to launch, run or grow your IFA business.

Join Lawsons Network
Join Us

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